Sunday, 21 December 2014

A complaint to the universe

Every year on Dec 31st,
A silent complaint goes out to the universe
"Those 365 days that just went past
They went by just a little too fast!"

"So if you could just slow things down
Or better yet, bring things back around
If we could just start again from the first
I'm sure we could not do that much worse."

As the universe listens to our complaint
And tho it realised its fault it ain't
It grants us all a chance to cheer
365 new chances in a happy new year.

Monday, 8 December 2014


Clouds serenely drifting across the sky
Slowly making their way to someplace they need to go
Perhaps they'll meet together and decide
To become a storm, a typhoon or a tornado.

- 14 Aug 2008

Haiku version:

Serene clouds drifting
Meeting by chance or purpose
Thus a storm gathers.

Zen Haiku:

Clouds serenely drift
By chance or choice? No one knows.
Perhaps a storm, or a breeze

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Robin Williams 1951 – 2014

12 August 2014

If I am angry, it is because it seems weak to be sad
If it hurts when it should not, it is only natural to strike out
If it doesn’t make sense, I need to believe that you are stupid, foolish, weak
If you have taken your own life, did we fail to give you what you need?
When I see your face now in photos taken all these while, do I now see a sorrow in your eyes that we had not seen?
Did your laughter mask the sobs?
Did your smiles hide a melancholia?
Is it all just a facade?
A farce?
A mask?

When a clown dies, does the laughter?
When he takes his own life, does he take ours with him?
Questions. Only questions.
No answers.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Modern Zen

Lessons From A Yogi

Yogi Berra was a better baseball player than he was a speaker,but he's probably quoted more than Churchill. Much of what he said seems silly, until you think about it for a moment...then you discover a more profound meaning.

Here are a few of my favorite Yogi-isms. Each is like a Rorschach test and self-help course rolled up into one.       ~Dean Rieck~

"You can't think and hit at the same time."

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The Song of Angry Singaporeans

To the tune of "Do you hear the people sing" a.k.a.  "Song of Angry Men" from Les Miserables.

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of empty trains
It's the wistful song of people who are late for work again
Every train that's come and gone
Had been so packed they couldn't get on
So they've taken to this song to say that's wrong

Friday, 19 September 2014